
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Upcoming Cosplay: Sera from Dragon Age

A while back, Beth suggested to me that we should do Dragon Age characters. She plays the game, I don't, but they have some pretty awesome - by which I mean detailed and complicated - outfits, so I was on board. Beth is going to be Leliana, and I'm going to be Sera. (At first I was going to be Isabela, but I switched.)

So far, Beth has made my shirt/tunic and leggings, Chris has made my quiver and bow, and Beth is working on my leather vest. I bought shoes. Oh, and now I have the wig, so I can recreate her haircut without having to actually give myself a terrible haircut.

Birk and Beth sorting out how to attach the chainmaille for Leliana

Sera's shirt/tunic in progress
Blonde wig acquired... makes me look like one of The Californians
Wrapping me in cling wrap and masking tape to make a vest pattern
The pattern for the vest is drawn onto the clingwrap and masking tape prison, I mean pattern

Cut out and put back together: the front of the vest pattern

Cut out and put back together: the back of the vest pattern

Beth sews together a practice vest to make sure we did everything right

I try on the practice vest... hallelujah, we did everything right!
Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures of the quiver and bow... they're really spectacular. But you'll see them in due time. Next up: Beth is sewing the vest together in leather, Chris is making my archer's accessories (archer's glove, bracer, and leather pouch for my waist), and I'm giving my wig a haircut. All in time for Tidewater Comicon, which is four weeks from tomorrow.

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