
Monday, November 23, 2015

Meeting Ivy Doomkitty

You guys, I met Ivy Doomkitty!!! She was at VA Comicon in Richmond yesterday, and she was awesome. She's gorgeous and nice and did a panel on confidence and body image relating to cosplay. And I got her autograph and took a photo with her!

I know, you were expecting me to be Daryl Dixon. First, I ordered the rest of the leather a little later than I probably should have, so I would have been rushing to finish the vest. Then I thought, "I have to make TWO costumes before the Force Awakens premiere, because Birk wants a Jedi robe." So I've decided to be Han Solo for the premiere instead of Rey, because I think it'll be less work (slightly). Which means I can finish making the vest, use it for Han, then add the wings after December 17 so I can be Daryl in the future. (I don't plan to repeat Han.) And I won't feel compelled to make Han's blaster, because... well, it's just not a smart idea to bring that kind of prop to a movie theater, especially not on a night like that, completely packed with people.

BUT that means that I used one of my go-to costumes, the Marauder's Map dress, so Ivy and I matched themes (that's her Slytherin corset, if you can't see the crest in the photo). Which was pretty awesome.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Arkham Knight Harley Quinn!

Halloween at last! And that means I finally got to wear Harley. I took her to O'Connor Brewing Company in Norfolk for Tidewater Comicon's Halloween party, plus we swung by my tattoo place (they were giving out gift certificates to anyone who showed up in costume) and Chipotle ($3 burrito for anyone in costume). Birk apologizes in advance for his photography skills.

Leaving for the party!

I have no reference photos for what HQ's face looks like when she attacks, so I guessed.

I don't have a proper ledge to crouch on, so the stairs will have to do.

I love the industrial look outside the brewery!

Outside O'Connor Brewing Company

Posing with the TARDIS, as one does

Beer and laughing gas bomb, can't go wrong

I know Harley's insane, it's canon, but now I know why...
she puts on all this before doing absolutely anything.

It was super fun being Harley. Sure, it's not a particularly comfortable costume (it includes a real corset plus a corset cover that does NOT breathe, one bra on top of another, wigs always give me a little bit of a headache, plus this makeup means constantly reminding myself not to touch my face). But it's the first one I made on my own (sure, I got help from Birk, but that will probably always be the case... let's be real, I can't even get into one of the pieces of this costume without his help) and I'm pretty darn pleased with it. I have some adjustments and additions before I wear it again (make a new corset from scratch to fit a little better, clean up the edges on the red/black bra, add a few more O-rings to the leather harness) but that'll be sometime next year.